Welcome to Paignton Probus

Probus is an association of non-political, non-sectarian retired individuals.
The club has a mix of members from a wide range of backgrounds, Industry, commerce, local government, education, the armed forces etc.
Paignton Probus Club is open to all male retirees.

Paignton Probus was formed in 1971 and from 1982 until 2021 met at the Redcliffe Hotel.
Since January 12th 2022 the club meets in The Paignton Vista at The Paignton Club at the harbour end of Marine Parade.

Meetings are normally held every week on a Wednesday morning from September – June.
We enjoy weekly talks covering a very wide range of subjects, many enhanced with digital slide presentations.
Several social events take place during the year both at lunchtime and in the evening.

Day trips are arranged to suitable venues throughout the West Country.

Do you miss the camaraderie of your fellow man? Enjoy conversation, meetings, talks and social outings? Meeting like-minded individuals? Have time on your hands?
Come and meet  the members and check out our fabulous venue. Try us out. Decide for yourself.  

Visitors are welcomed to attend 3 out of 4 consecutive meetings as a guest before deciding to become a member.

Photo by Tony Taft

Meeting Format:
Coffee/Tea is served from 10.00 prior to the meeting.
Club meetings commence at 10.30
The proceedings start with the “Formal Business” lasting a few minutes.
We then announce the winner of our monthly draw Hamper prize – £1 per ticket, or 5 tickets for £4

This is followed by a guest speaker giving a talk/presentation.

The meeting finishes at 12 noon.

After the meeting the bar is open to enable members to socialise

We are proud to attend local events of importance such as the Remembrance Day Service on Sunday 12 November 2023

Where do we meet?:
The Paignton Vista at the Paignton Club, 1 The Esplanade, Paignton TQ4 6ED Phone 01803 559682

For more information phone the Chairman, Chris Martin, on 07802 314280 or email chrismartinf4cpm@gmail.com

If you’d like to spread the word about Paignton Probus to your friends, ask them use their phone/iPad to scan the code below. This will automatically open their phone to this webpage.
