New Season Update

Hello to all members 

I apologise for not being able to give you the  information re. the new season earlier but I have been waiting on decisions from the Redcliffe Hotel. 

I am at last able to confirm that the new season will start on September 8th at The Redcliffe Hotel.

No doubt you will all know that the Redcliffe Hotel has been sold, so that Paignton Probus Club’s meetings there have been in doubt. We are now booked into the IDS suite for all Wednesdays from September 8th untill December 1st and for our Christmas Lunch for December 8th. 

At the moment the Hotel are not taking any bookings for 2022 – this does not mean that we will not be able to return in January 2022 but it will depend on how their planned changes are progressing. It is though possible we will have to have at least a break from meeting at the Redcliff Hotel.

We are therefore looking into a back up plan to find another venue if the Redcliffe is not able to take us in the New Year.
We have a few places in mind but if any member has a suggestion for a back up venue please let me know before August 25th when I have arranged a Committee meeting to discuss the coming session. 

Be assured that your committee have this in hand and will, if necessary, have another venue available in January for our meetings; the favourites at the moment being The Palace Hotel or The Paignton Club.
Paul Young, our speaker finder, will have the problem of not being able to tell prospective speakers for 2022 where we will be meeting until all this has been sorted out. 

We will keep our annual fees at £30.00 and our weekly fees at £4.00 for the coming season.
We will be pleased if any Members who use internet banking would pay their annual fees before the session starts.
Bank account name, Paignton Probus Club, sort code – 30 90 89, account number – 42830160. 

This would make it easier for Charles, our new treasurer, when he starts taking the monies at the first meeting to take the weekly money and less of the Annual money.
Don’t worry if you are not into internet banking you will still be able to pay by cash or cheque when the season starts. 

Looking forward to seeing you all on September 8th

Kind regards 

Roy Matthews – Chairman Paignton Probus Club. 

If you have any queries please get in touch with me. 
01803 524398
07503 377470

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