Probus Update from our Chairman

Good Morning Gentlemen
With only 2 weeks left of our first session after lock down I thought that I would update you with a few reminders.

Our last normal pre Christmas  meeting will be on December 1st

Our Christmas Lunch will be on December 8th and this will be our last gathering at the Redcliffe Hotel having been meeting here for the last 40 years of our 51 years as a Probus Club.

I have attached a copy of the menu for the Christmas Lunch for anyone who has not yet booked and would like to come
If anyone would still like to book  please contact –Barry Ross on 01803 523584 or John Osmond on 01803 527469
You can pay on line with the Paignton Probus Club Bank Account  –  sort code 30-90-89    account number  –  42830160.

Please remember that after Christmas our first meeting will be on January 12th at THE PAIGNTON CLUB at the other end of Paignton Sea front.
There is ample parking at the club plus 3 disabled spaces at the rear of the building.

I hope you will agree that we have had a successful return after the 18 month break, attendances are slowly going up and we have had some very good talks. Our thanks to Paul Young for organizing the speakers.

Best regards

Roy Matthews – Chairman Paignton Probus Clun
01803 524398
Mob. 07503377470

Click here to view the Christmas Lunch Menu

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