Covid Precautions


To all members

Following on from my email on January 6th I have been talking to other members of the Committee about doing all we can to keep our members as safe as possible while attending our meetings.

To this end we would ask you to wear face masks when you arrive at the Paignton Club and wear them if you get up from your table to move around the club – these are the rules that the Paignton Club require but are just the same as we were all doing at the Redcliffe Hotel.

Again if possible take a lateral flow test to ensure that you are not carrying the virus.

Do not come to the meetings if you have any symptoms even if you have not yet tested positive.

More importantly we ask that if you are not fully vaccinated against covid 19, you do not come to the club until either you have been vaccinated or the spread of the pandemic has been curtailed.

These recommendations are not intended to deter you from coming to our meetings, but more to encourage you to come knowing that we are doing all we can to keep you as safe as possible while attending.

Kind regards

Roy Matthews – Chairman

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