Jan12th 2022 – First Meeting at The Paignton Club

Report by our Chairman Roy Matthews.
January 12th saw our first meeting for 2022 and also our first meeting at the Paignton Club. I trust every one there agreed with me that it was a successful event, despite having to use the Garden Room at the Club because the builders were still finishing off in the dining room.

It was a surprise when I drove into the car park to see Mike Kirkham there doing a meet and greet roll to tell us that our meeting would have to be in the Garden Room, many thanks to Mike for welcoming all arrivals and telling them where to go.

Trevor and his team, despite being under a great deal of pressure, had done a very good job preparing the room for us, so that it looked inviting to come in. Coffee and biscuits were served from 10.00 am as we came in, to my mind it was superior to that at the Redcliffe,( although is it possible to please all the people all of the time? ) Sue served it straight from the coffee machine.

We had a good attendance of 25 equal to the most we have had since lock down.

Peter Marsden gave us a very interesting and detailed talk on “ Who sank the Mary Rose?”. It seemed that the blame was shared by King Henry V11 and/or crew from Southern Europe, who probably did not understand orders that were given in English, to close the doors of the gun ports, through which the water came in. It seemed the blame was definitely not that of the French Navy.

Read Nigel’s blog to find out “Why did the Mary Rose sink?”

There was a local connection to the story as The Vice Admiral on board the Mary Rose, George Carew, came from the Exeter area. Peter Marsden told us that he had only been given the appointment the day before the ship sank.

After the meeting I was very pleased to see 14/15 members sitting around a table in the bar enjoying a drink and a chat.

Thank you all who attended and hope to see as many or more at next week’s meeting.

Kind regards

Roy Matthews – Chairman

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