Meeting Report and AGM 29th May 2024

Today’s meeting was attended by 23 Members with 2 apologies

The talk today was presented by our own Member Geoff Coop
John Lunday reports:-
Well………… follow that if you can!
To say that I felt hugely disappointed not to have learned more about the fascinating subject of African Postal Stamps (1934 – 1938) would be an understatement.

Instead, my fellow Club members shared the slightly manic experiences of fellow Club member and RAF (ret’d) Geoff Coop as he recounted, amongst other things, losing a bomb to aliens and how he was never lost, honest guv, just temporarily uncertain of his whereabouts.

I had a very dear friend who was a test pilot in the early 1950’s. He told me that when he was about 12 years old he had an Uncle who asked him what he wanted to do when he grew up. He replied that he wanted to be a pilot. His Uncle told him that he couldn’t do both!
With that in my mind I am pleased to see that tradition has been continued with Geoff in the RAF.

Wing Commander Geoff Coop RAF (ret’d) gave us, I believe, the most entertaining presentation that I have witnessed during the 23 / 24 Probus season hugely aided by the most erudite and searching questions heard in the Club for a long while.
He told us that despite failing to become an engineer or to attend RAF’s college of knowledge at RAF Cranwell he nevertheless aced it as a navigator on the Vulcan aircraft at RAF Waddington, now the hub (shh perhaps we shouldn’t say it) of British secret reconnaissance and target acquisition.
Our own Top Gin!

His highly successful career took him all over the world and we have only heard half of it so far. His self – effacing style and relaxed manner are enhanced by a youthful sense of the ridiculous for which we are so pleased.
Our dear Geoff, as I see it, we have two more talks to look forward to; the second half of what you lost when you stopped being operational and secondly, the fascinating history of African Postal Stamps (1934 – 1938)

Fly that Jet……And keep doing so.

AGM 29th May 2024

After Geoff’s talk the AGM was held at which the Committe Members for next year, September 2024 – May 2025 were voted in.

Committee Members now are:-
President:- Chris Martin
Chairman:- Colin Small
Vice Chairman and Social Secretary:- Barry Ross

Treasurer:- John Lunday
Secretary:- Peter Stickland
Program Secretary:- Paul Young
Website Secretary:- Tony Hare
Ian White
Roger Colwell

“The incoming Chairman, Colin Small, in his address to the members at the AGM opened with his thanks to the outgoing Chairman who has now reached the lofty height of President. Chris Martin through his efforts has stabilised the financial affairs of the club and has left the incoming Chairman a sound base upon which to take  the Club forward. The incoming Chairman thanked the outgoing Committee for their work over the year and their support for Chris who has expended considerable time and effort to bring the club to its current state. He would also like to thank members who although not members of the Committee contribute so much to the efficient running of the club. We are fortunate indeed.

The incoming Chairman  thanked the Speaker Finder Paul Young for his tireless efforts in securing speakers for the enjoyment of the members. As a former Speaker finder the Chairman is aware of the efforts made by Paul to select a varied and balanced programme to offer something of interest to all members of the club.

The incoming Chairman thanked the members, some of whom served on the outgoing committee for their continuing commitment to the administration of the club. He also thanked the incoming members who he hopes will find committee membership both interesting and stimulating.

He also proposed a number of visits to local attractions that did not involve the hire of coaches and which would take place during the day for the convenience of members.

He informed the membership that the end of year lunch will take place on 6th June from 12.00 at the Paignton Club. As it is the eightieth anniversary of D Day a two minute silence will be observed at the beginning of the meal to commemorate those who travelled to Normandy from Torbay and for those who did not return.

In closing he thanked all members for their continuing  interest and support for the Club. “

But just to finish, here is a photo of a man who always avoids the limelight but without whom nothing the Committe plans would ever come to truition.

Our very own hero, John Osmond

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