Xmas message from Chairman Chris

A Christmas 2023 Message to all the Members of Paignton Probus from its 2023-2024 Chairman Chris Martin.  Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our members, and their family members, a ‘Very Happy Christmas 2023’, and a ‘troubles-free New Year’ in 2024.  Secondly, I would like to thank you all very much for bearing... Continue Reading →

Exeter Christmas Market 2023

Report on the Paignton Probus Members Train Outing / Trip to Exeter on Thursday 30th November 2023 to see the Cathedral Green Christmas Market. Whilst Mother Nature tried her best to dampen our spirits on this day, she failed! The best she achieved was to dampen our overcoat’s. The weather in Paignton was cold and wet... Continue Reading →

Add your comment to posts on this website

Do you have an interesting thought you would like to share with your fellow members?Do you have comments or suggestions for further reading on the latest weekly Talk? (E.g comments on Nigel's blog ref expansion of housing in Torbay, additional information on the Mary Rose or perhaps on the construction of the current Torbay Lifeboat)... Continue Reading →

Armistice Day – Paignton Probus

Armistice Day 2022:At 11am towns and cities fell silent for two minutes to reflect on the sacrifice of those killed in wars.In Paignton the annual service took place at the town's war memorial in Palace Avenue. Paignto Probus Club was represented by our President Roy Matthews (+ Dina his dear lady wife), Vice Chairman Chris... Continue Reading →

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