Meeting Report 15th May 2024

Tony Taft reports:-

Today we had an attendance of 22 with 3 apologies 

Our speaker today was David Follett and the title of his talk was Tragedy to Triumph. 

David started his presentation talking about his disability and the reason why he now has to use a wheelchair, David was involved in a Road traffic accident in 2007 which has left him paralysed from the chest down, in the accident David broke his neck in three places, two of the breaks would not have caused paralysis but the third break damaged his spinal cord. 

When David got his car he said the most difficult thing to do was to get his wheelchair into the car by himself, in his first attempt it would take him about half an hour but now he has got it down to about three minutes. 

David is happily married with two gorgeous girls he proudly showed us pictures of his beautiful wife and children and said the girl who gets up to the most mischief is the youngest. 

Davids disability has not stopped him going on to be a world expert in para badminton and he has represented his country all over the world and done so in two Para Olympic Games. 

In 2012 David was given the very great honour of being part of the relay team to carry the Olympic torch through his town and whilst he was doing this for some reason the flame went out, it was reported on television and in the newspapers and caused great embarrassment to his town and the organisers. 

If heavy wind, human interference, or another obstacle causes the flame to go out, another torch lit from the original flame is always nearby to re light it, and despite organisers best intentions, accidents on the road to the games aren’t uncommon. 

Davids assistance dog Tessie is always by his side David said Tessie is getting close to retirement but when that time comes David has no intention of letting his dog go to someone else, it is clear to see the bond between the two of them is very strong, but when the day does come for Tessie to go her own separate way then he will get another dog. 

David said that for reasons he didn’t explain he will not be representing us in the next Olympics in Paris but he hopes to do so in the one after that. 

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